What Is Behind The Tide Of Historians Being Arrested?
From another user's blog, very thought provoking.
What Is Behind The Tide Of Historians Being Arrested?
It’s been another long while since I’ve had any time to write, but I sure have been observing and thinking. One thing I have observed is that strange dosie-do down in Israel where Sharon gave with one hand - Gaza - and took with the other - Jerusalem.
This whole Jewish homeland thing really gets me. They claim that Palestine is theirs because “God gave it to them.” Actually, that is not exactly the case. They are the only people on Earth that god SOLD real estate to for some bloody pieces of flesh they have to cut off their privates. If I were them, I’d keep my privates and give Palestine back to the Palestinians.
Anyway, there was Israel making a big show of giving Gaza back to the Palestinians - in a lot worse shape than it was in when they stole it - and sneaking into Jerusalem like thieves in the night.
MEANWHILE, David Irving gets arrested for “Holocaust Denial.”
That just boggles my brain.
I mean, let’s just try to wrap our heads around this one.
First of all, there the International Red Cross had access to the German camps, both POW and labor, and their official report very much contradicts the textus receptus about the Holocaust. Second, the curators of the Auschwitz revised downward the total number of dead at the camps from 4 million to1 1/2 million in 1990.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I think that the Nazis really WERE after the Jews. There’s no doubt in my mind about that. They just weren’t killing them the way we have been told. I don’t see that there’s a big issue here. I think it is just as heinous for the Nazis to herd all those people into camps where they had poor nutrition, were put into forced labor, and other ill-treatment which led to their deaths by any number of reasons. What’s more, I DO think that many of them were quite simply exterminated. But I also think, based on all the reading I’ve done, that the Nazis were doing that to a LOT of people, including the Poles!
Anyway, taking note of the Red Cross report and the revision of the numbers at Auschwitz suggests that there is a real problem with the Holocaust history and it is very odd, in my mind, that a law can be passed making it illegal to NOT believe something. Hell’s bells! What’s next? A law against NOT believing in Yahweh?
A lot of people have a lot of different ideas and research should be open and subjected to FAIR and RATIONAL review. If you take a look at the matters investigated by these historians, you find that they really have a point!
For example: Ernst Zundel. He was born in 1939, in Germany, he immigrated to Canada at the age of 19, and started a career as a graphic artist. In the 1980’s, he published a book called “Did Six Million Really Die?“which asked some serious questions about the prestidigitaion of facts about the Jewish version of the Holocaust.
And that reminds me: even if 6 million DID die, that was only one tenth of the total number of deaths of people in World War II. How come we don’t hear about the Russian Holocaust? The FORTY to SIXTY MILLION people killed by Stalin and his gang???
What I mean here is this: there is NO escaping the horror of that time. It was horrible beyond imagining. And I don’t even want to quibble over whether it was 6 million or 4 million or 2 million Jews that died in the Global Holocaust that was WW II. What I DO find extremely offensive is that a law can be passed to make it a doctrine. That amounts to legally mandating what a person must BELIEVE.
Now, believe it or not, there are still people that believe that the earth is Hollow and that there is a whole population of people living inside even with their own “sun.” How weird is that? There are MILLIONS of people who believe that they get abducted by aliens almost every night. (Maybe that’s not so weird, IMHO.)
So, the point is: nobody has made it a legal mandate that people must stop believing that the earth is hollow or that people must stop believing in aliens.
Okay, I acknowledge that it’s not quite the same thing. We are talking about the difference between beliefs about things that aren’t related to a horrible human tragedy. and those that are about this unspeakably dark period in our history. But the essence of the issue is the same nevertheless. If somebody believes that the earth is hollow, he is allowed to say so, to publish books about it, to try to sell those books to other people, to have his ideas examined and scrutinized. People may laugh at him and call him a kook because, obviously, he isn’t going to have any serious evidence.
And maybe that’s the difference. Maybe that’s why they have to legally mandate belief in the Holocaust - because the evidence shows otherwise.
In 1985, Canada charged Ernst Zundel with “publishing false news”. He brought in gas chamber experts, other historians, and also cross-examined a number of Jewish survivors, who fell apart under oath.
He moved from Canada to the United States, where he was arrested in 2002, deported to Canada, and finally to Germany in 2005.
Then, there is Germar Rudolf. He is a German-trained chemist, who re-examined Auschwitz, Birkenau, and other installations and buildings, testing rocks, soil, and other physical samples for traces of Zyklon B. As a scientist, he found the “gassing” claims to be scientifically untenable and, therefore, absurd. He was sentenced by Germany to 14 months, and then fled to the US. He was arrested on November 18, 2005 in Chicago, and extradited to Germany.
So, that’s TWO, so far, in 2005.
It gets even weirder.
David Irving is a 65 year-old guy, a Brit, an author and historian, who has written 36 books, and is a recognized authority on Hitler and World War II. Although he skirted around the Holocaust and concentrated on the WW2 battles, he testified at Zundel’s trial. He was arrested in Vienna, Austria just a couple of weeks ago on November 14, 2005.
Thats THREE in 2005.
What is UP with that?
It gets stranger still: Siegfried Verbeke was charged with denying the holocaust, and questioning the Anne Frank fable. He is an historian and, publisher involved with Castle Hill Publishers who say that it is their goal to “scientifically investigate historical events, particularly those of the 20th century, without limitations imposed by dogmas or axioms.”
He was arrested in August of 2005 in Amsterdam. On October 6th, the Netherlands agreed to extradite him to Germany, where he faces 14 months in prison.
Now, either I’m losing my marbles, or something serious is up with all of this coming down in a single year.
Anyway, while I was reading up on Siegfried, I came across something that really startled me: the idea that the Diary of Anne Frank - that famous book that about every American school kid has read - is a fraud!
Yup, a hoax perpetrated by her father who was a psychopathic philanderer, a collaborator with the Nazis, and was probably even engaged in pedophilia with his own daughter, Anne.
Now, don’t take my word for this: READ IT YOURSELF! And especially check out the handwriting issues.
So, the strangest thing of all is that, as a result of the arrest of FOUR HISTORIANS in the same year, I got curious and started to read what it was they were writing and saying, and darned if they don’t have some serious evidence that the Holocaust - as it is presented and promoted: a uniquely Jewish tragedy - is a FRAUD.
You’d think that whoever was behind this law would figure those kinds of things out! It would be far more effective to just use ridicule or “unseen” pressures to silence people like Zundel, Irving, Verbeke and Rudolf. I think that the Powers That Be do that kind of thing all the time. I mean, look at what happened to Karen Silkwood? She was just going to rat on safety violations at a Nuke plant.
So, nope. I think there is something even more insidious to this business of arresting so-called “Holocaust Deniers.” I think it is a subtle ploy on the part of somebody to draw attention to their work and the only result of that will be to turn more and more people against Jews.
Either that, or whoever is behind this action is stupider than I thought.
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