Monday, November 07, 2005

Israel and the Neocons

Israel and the Neocons
JAMES PETRAS CounterPunch November 3, 2005

The national debate, which the indictment of Irving Lewis Libby for perjury and obstruction of justice has aroused in the mass media, has failed to address the most basic questions concerning the deep structural context, which influenced his felonious behavior. The most superficial explanation was that Libby, by exposing Valerie Plame (a CIA employee), acted out of revenge to punish her husband Wilson for exposing the lies put forth by Bush about Iraq's "importation" of uranium from Niger. Other journalists claim that Libby acted to cover up the fabrications to go to war. The assertion however raises a deeper question -- who were the fabricators of war propaganda, who was Libby protecting? And not only the "fabricators of war", but the strategic planners, speech-makers and architects of war who acted hand in hand with the propagandists and the journalists who disseminated the propaganda? What is the link between all these high- level functionaries, propagandists and journalists?

Equally important given the positions of power which this cabal occupied, and the influence they exercised in the mass media as well as in designing strategic policy, what forces were engaged in bringing criminal charges against a key operative of the cabal?[...]

The prosecution of Libby however reveals the intense internal struggle over the control of the US imperial state between the neocons and the traditional leaders of its major institutions. Along with the indictment of Libby by a grand jury at the request of the special prosecutor, the FBI has arrested the two leading policy makers of the most influential pro-Israeli lobby (AIPAC) for spying for the State of Israel. These are not simply isolated actions by individual officials or investigators. To have proceeded against Libby and AIPAC leaders , they had to have powerful institutional backing; otherwise the investigations would have been terminated even before they began.

The CIA is deeply offended by the neocon usurpation of their intelligence role, their direct channels to the President, their loyalty to Israel. The military is extremely angry at their exclusion from the councils of government over questions of war, the disastrous war policy which have depleted the armed forces of recruits, devastated troop morale, and the neocons' grotesque ignorance of the costs of a colonial occupation. It is no wonder that General Tommy Frank referred to Douglas Feith as "the stupidest bastard I have ever met."

The current institutional war recalls an earlier conflict between the rightwing Senator Joseph McCarthy and the Defense Department. At the time during the mid 1950's, Senator McCarty was accumulating power first by purging trade unions, Hollywood, the universities, and promoting likeminded conservative officials. He successfully extended his investigations and purges to the State Department and finally tried to do the same to the military. It was here that Senator McCarthy met his Waterloo, his attack backfired, the Army stood its ground, refuted his accusations and discredited his fabrications and grab for power.[...]

Comment: While the theory that the military and/or the CIA are standing their ground and not "taking it" from the Bush gang and the NeoCons anymore is a plausible one, it occurrs to us that it may involve more than a little wishful thinking and, dare we say it, desperation. After all, the top brass of the military were up to their eyeballs in the 9/11 event, and the CIA would appear to have been effectively neutered. To fully understand the Plame scandal and the movitations for it and just who Libby (and soon Rove) may have taken a fall for, we have to understand the real nature of the 9/11 attacks.

A careful look at the evidence of the events of that day, and the course of American politics over the 50 years that preceeded it, point us in one main direction: Israel.

Israel was the prime motivator for the 9/11 attacks and, as such, they were, and are the main beneficiaries of the attacks. Those benefits include, it would seem, total control over the Bush government. The nature of that control the and the way in which it is being exerted, are detailed in Laura Knight-Jadczyks ground-breaking book on the 9/11 attacks - "9/11: The Ultimate Truth".

It is very possible then that Libby's fall was indeed to make a scapegoat of him in order to protect the real Iraq war planners, but neither the CIA nor the military weild the required influence to bring these charges against key members of the Bush administration. We are all familiar with the classic double cross, where useful idiots are dispensed with once they have served their purpose. It is our view that we are witnessing a more insidious version of this classic double cross in the outting of Valerie Plame which has led to the fall of Libby and ultimately, the likely fizzling out of the Bush regime.

It would be entirely in keeping with the modus operandi of the group of which we speak to develop and implement a plot in which the entire world becomes convinced that one of the real conspirators is the victim. It is our contention that neither Valerie Plame nor her husband were the victims in this little episode, quite the opposite in fact, but then, in the murky world of global politics, where entire nations are but pawns on the chess board and Palestinian children are murdered as "terrorists", nothing is ever as it seems.
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