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Quantum Future Institute - The Academy of Wisdom
All physical theories are useful only insofar as they boost human freedom by allowing us to use more of our hidden potential. We are using perhaps only 10% of our mental abilities, and most of our DNA, called today "junk DNA", is waiting to be awakened by the appropriate code giving human beings the ability to expand exponentially the arena and the scope of our perceptions and actions.
Science tells us that the Universe and the life in it will sooner or later end, either as the result of thermal death or, on the other extreme, due to a Big Crunch. These are just theories, and it seems to be so that they have arisen out of a Science that had already, as it seems, come to a dead end. There has been no essential progress in theoretical physics since the beginning of the 20-th century where the two main and contradictory theories: quantum theory and theory of relativity were created.
Physicists still do no know answers to the most important questions of our existence: What is consciousness? Where are the laws of nature coming from? What is reality?
Science has been corrupted, it has become an industry, an arm of the Military utilized primarily for dealing death and destruction on our planet, and this process is like a train speeding out of control toward a bridge that has been washed out by a mighty flood. The "truth" does not matter anymore. Greed and corruption rule science even if many scientists are sincere and well meaning.
Today we living in a corrupted society, corrupted to such an extent that the end of human civilisation is highly probable long before the "End of Everything" predicted by theoretical physicists; perhaps even in our lifetime. At the same time, synchronistically, the rate of "natural catastrophes" seems to be accelerating. We understand more and more that our human existence on the planet Earth is rather fragile and can end at any moment. A strike by an asteroid can annihilate most of the population of our planet, and evidence indicates that such can happen with literally no warning. A supernova explosion of a nearby star can all life on earth almost instantly. In this case there will be no warning at all. The star could have already exploded and the deadly radiation is already on the way towards us - with the speed of light.
Much closer to home, an eruption on the Sun, directed towards the Earth, can end nearly all life on our planet in the form that we know about (some sea creatures in the deep ocean may survive). Assigning probabilities to such events is simply meaningless. We do not know enough about the inner mechanisms inside our Sun or stars, we do not have means for shielding our planet from cosmic catastrophes.
And still we use science to build weapons, to kill and maim, to steal and starve others blithely ignoring the facts of history: he who digs a pit generally falls into it.
Then we have religions. They give us a different perspective, they give us hope: they talk about consciousness that transcends physical reality. But religions also tell us a lot of silly things and they have been the cause of probably more human deaths, cruelty and suffering than science and technology together. Religions have also been corrupted. Science ruled by religion or religion ruled by science seem to be equally deadly mixtures.
What to do then? This question occurs only to those that are not satisfied with being simply passive vitnesses and victims of the "unavoidable". This question occurs to those who understand that there is no such thing as "unavoidable", who understand that in a nonlinear universe the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in Texas. Even if today we may not be able to provide any constructive answer to these probalems of global importance, tomorrow we may acquire a different perspective and our questions may find their "Columbus solutions". Knowledge, too, is nonlinear. But for this a special approach is needed. All corruption in science and in religion have to be spotted and discarded. A healthy marriage of the exact methods science and of the mysterious esotericism is needed.
There is no other solution. [...]
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