Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Losing the War on Terror

Are We Losing or Winning The War On Terror?

What is becoming increasingly clear is that the net result of the current conflict known as the "war on terrorism" is not the eradication of terrorism around the world but rather it's promotion and the restriction of civil rights of ordinary citizens. This much is beyond doubt because we can all verify that this is indeed what has occurred. Terrorist attacks have increased dramatically since the "war" began, and the steady abolition of civil freedoms continues unabated.

The matter of real importance then, is to understand to which warring party in this 21st century conflict such goals belong. Who really wants to embroil the world in a terror attack nightmare and sweep away our basic social rights? If it is the terrorists' goal to exterminate "freedom and civilisation" and if it is the goal of Bush and Blair to protect our freedoms and our lives, then clearly the terrorists are winning the war and Bush and Blair are losing.

The argument that the draconian measures undertaken by the British and American governments have prevented worse attacks from occurring is disingenuous as there is no way to verify this claim and, in any case, progress in "making the world a safer place" should be gauged in terms of a comparison between the level of global security before and since Bush and Blair decided to lie to the world about the reasons for their collaborative, illegal invasion of Iraq.

Bush and Blair have repeatedly claimed that the goal of the terrorists is to turn back the clock on civilisation and install a fundamentalist Islamic regime across the globe. Whatever else we say about the terrorists, we cannot accuse them of setting their sights too low.

In a recent press conference Blair stated:

That is why I don’t even agree actually … that in the end they just want us out of Arab countries, they don’t, it is far more fundamental than that, they want a war between Islam and other religions, that is what they want, that is why they keep referring to this as the crusader Zionist alliance and all this sort of rubbish. That is what they want, they want a situation in which we end up being divided.

This statement however, is simply Blair's opinion, and flies in the face of past statements made by terrorists to the effect that their attacks are revenge for decades-old Western meddling in Arab nations, particularly the more recent invasion and appropriation of the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The problem for Bush and Blair now is that, since they have been exposed as having lied about their reasons for the invasion of Iraq, and that the real reasons had much more to do with occupying a foreign country and pillaging it's oil wealth than fighting terrorism, they can reasonably be accused of actually promoting terrorism by inspiring ordinary Iraqis and Afghanis to fight back using the age old guerilla warfare tactics, aka "terrorism", that have been used by dozens of groups that faced the overwhelming superior military power of a nation state aggressor. It is for this reason that the Bush and Blair governments are now talking about a "global struggle against violent extremism" rather than a "war on terror". It is a subtle maneuver which vectors attention away from the lies of the war on terror and onto the idea that the "civilised" world is under threat from an extremist form of Islam that is as old as the religion itself.

For the people of the world however, this is an ominous turn of events which serves nicely as justification for the Bush and Blair government's continued repression of basic civil rights and the fomenting of a potentially violent division along ethnic and religious lines in their respective countries.

But what then is the answer to the central question of who is really winning the "war on terror" or the "global struggle against violent extremism"? How do we explain that, despite their best efforts, the actions of the Bush and Blair governments appear to directly playing into the hands of the "terrorists" and fulfilling their alleged goals?

For the answer, we need look no further than the increasing volume of evidence to suggest that both the 9/11 attacks and the recent London bombings were, at the very least, carried out with the consent of the Bush and Blair governments themselves. Indeed, that the Islamic terrorists are actually agents of the very governments that claim to be fighting the war on Islamic terrorism.

From this we can draw the conclusion that, when Blair says that is "not about Western government presence in Arab countries", that it is "far more fundamental than that, that "they" want a war between Islam and other religions, that "they" want a situation in which we end up being divided," he is actually revealing his own agenda and that of his war on terror allies.

As if to confirm his duplicitous strategy in the same recent Press conference Blair clarified the situation:

Israel shouldn't’t exist, yes American foreign policy is evil, yes what happened in Iraq or Afghanistan was designed to suppress Islam, [if people accept those as ideas it is far less of a step into the extremism of terrorism.]

As has so often been the case throughout the history of modern civilisation, - the truth is usually to be found approximately 180 degrees from the official government version of events.

Just in case there remains any doubt as to the true goals of Bush and Blair's war on terror, consider the net results:

* Worldwide terrorism has increased dramatically since the war on terror started; in societies where there was little or no evidence of social and ethnic strife, wedges are being driven between Christians and Muslims, Whites or Westerners and "people of Middle Eastern origin" or "Asians" in European and American society;
* an innocent Brazilian electrician was recently gunned down in cold blood for no obvious reason by London anti-terrorist police;
* hundreds of innocent men are currently confined, and routinely tortured in Guantanamo Bay with no recourse to legal representation and in flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention on human rights;
* 100,000 (and counting) innocent Iraqi men, women and children have been slaughtered by US forces; women's rights in "free" Afghanistan are as neglected, if not more so, as under the Taliban;
* opium (heroin) production in that country has skyrocketed;
* invasive 'biometric' ID cards will soon be introduced for the British population;
* British police will be granted sweeping new powers to counter the "terrorist threat", including the right to detain a suspect for up to three months without charge instead of the current 14 days. They will also be granted powers to attack and close down web sites and to "suppress inappropriate internet usage", with the simple act of exposing government lies potentially falling into the "inappropriate internet usage" category;

and all of it in the name of fighting a war on terror - and yet the terror attacks continue, ensuring that there is no end in sight to these drastic and, dare we say, "fascist" measures. Plainly, either the "Islamic terrorists" and the Bush and Blair governments share the same goals, or they are in fact one and the same.

The age-old maxim, "by their fruits ye shall know them" is certainly as true today as it ever was, and it may be the only clear-cut method at our disposal to understand the truth behind the dark future that is beckoning us all.
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