Saturday, March 31, 2007

'Hostage Crisis' Or End Game?

Up until the 23rd March 2007, it seemed unlikely that the 'creative destructionists' 1. and 'reality-makers' in the Pentagon and Tel Aviv would get to "liberate" Iran in the way they have liberated 26 million Iraqis (1 million of them from their bodies). The past 3 years of subtle and not-so-subtle slander and demonisation of the Iranian president and people by the American, British and Israeli governments and their media had been largely ineffective in further provoking the anti-Islamic ire of Joe six-pack. After all, with the US invasion of Iraq either a war crime or a quagmire (depending on your political perspective and depth of conscience) Bush's political capital account was seriously overdrawn, rendering the idea of extending the Middle East madness into an attack on Iran nothing but a Zionist pipe dream.

Or so it seemed.

Political capital and its raw material - human emotion - is, you see, much like crude oil, self-replenishing, all you need to know is where to look and where to 'drill', and the flow can be re-established in an instant.

In yet another amazing coincidence of the type to which most people have become immune since September 11th 2001, 15 British marines were captured by Iranian soldiers in the Persian Gulf, just one day before the UN security council was to meet to decide whether to impose further immoral sanctions on 80 million Iranians 2. Of course, the timing of the capture of the British marines could have been a coincidence and the direct result - a slam dunk on the sanctions vote - just a piece of uncanny bad luck for Ahmadinejad.

Likewise, the fact that the US government somehow 'bungled' the Iranian President's visa application, preventing him from presenting his case to the Security Council on the same day, could also have been mere chance. After all, we need only remember how John Ashcroft was warned by an unknown confidant not to fly on commercial planes just a few days before 9/11 or that a Lieutenant Colonel in the Israeli army gave Israel's most recent suicide bomber a lift to his destination, to understand that strange coincidences are the norm rather than the exception in the world of the Zionist-Neocon War of Terror.

That the capture of the British marines was to be transformed into a causus belli was evident right form the get go with the purportedly moderate BBC News taking a page from Necon Rupert Murdoch's Fox and Sky news song sheet and running day-long 'crisis specials' on the event, complete with ad-nauseum repetitions of the 'details'. For example, the following (verbatim) is an example of one of the repeated "clarifications" by BBC newscasters in response to comments by an alleged "expert":

Reporter: "so you're saying that they were definitely captured in Iraqi waters"


Reporter: "again, let me just be clear on this, you're saying that this could seriously effect tomorrow's UN Security council vote".

If you have been watching the news or reading the papers over the past week, you should already be aware that someone is protesting a little too much, and it ain't the Iranians.

Since the arrest of the 15 useful idiots, the Western public has been subjected to a week-long barrage of simplistic anti-Iranian propaganda that has sought to capitalise on the event and pitch the Iranian government as the aggressor. As you might expect, however, there is far more to this story than is being told in the mainstream press.

First of all, consider the strange fact that just hours before she was arrested, the only female among the Marines, leading Seaman Specialist Faye Turney, gave an exclusive interview to the UK Independent in which she spoke of her "devotion to her job and three-year-old daughter, Molly, and the guilt of leaving her behind at home in Plymouth to be cared for by her husband Adam, a Petty Officer in the Royal Navy."

It was also leading Seaman Specialist Turney who was chosen by the Iranian government to speak when she and some of her colleagues appeared on Iranian television a few days later, and it was Turney who penned two probably scripted 'confession' letters to her parents where she apologizes for to the Iranian people for trespassing on Iranian territory and calls on the British to leave Iraq. All in all it was emotional stuff, or rather it was meant to jerk the emotional chains of the great British (and Western) public if we allow ourselves to be guided by recent headlines from the UK's largest (and Rupert Murdoch-owned) daily, the Sun:

It should be noted that the above headline: "who do you think you are kidding Mr Ahmadinejad" is not as innocuous as it might at first seem, but rather is evidence of the very insidious yet subtle propaganda methods used by the mainstream media to undermine the critical thinking abilities of the average UK citizen. Virtually every Brit will recognise (most likely unconsciously) the headline as a play on the theme tune from the wildly popular British sitcom Dad's Army (1968 -1977) which portrayed the British home guard during WWII as a bunch of bumbling idiots. The chorus from the theme tune was: "Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler". The replacement of 'Hitler' with 'Ahmadinejad' of course being the slur of choice of American, British and Israeli Zionists.

That their opinions are being directly manufactured by such subtle propaganda and disinformation is unfortunately lost on her Majesty's loyal subjects, most of whom remain blissfully unaware that what is now being called a "hostage crisis" is part of a deliberate policy by Western government officials to manipulate them and make them willing accomplices in an upcoming attack on their fellow human beings in Iran. Likewise, a recent US poll claims that almost 60 percent of Americans believe that Iran is "helping the Shiites in Iraq by providing weapons to them." The fact that every one of those polled would have serious problems telling the difference between a Shiite and a Shish kebab is of course not the point - the point is that they, and those who read about the poll, now believe, know, that Iran = bad.

The warmongers in the British, American and Israeli governments (and those behind them) realise that there can be no war with Iran without public backing, if only temporarily (as was the case with the invasion of Iraq) and with the fabricated Downing street dossier and WMD lies still relatively fresh in our minds, most members of the public are ill-disposed to being fooled twice. Blair and his cronies understand very well however that, in the absence of a direct threat to their lives, a certain blood-lust can be conjured up among the masses by somehow involving them personally in the conflict.

Because the public of any nation does, and always will, strongly identify with their troops (they generally view them as ordinary people just like themselves) any high-profile 'crisis' that involves military personnel, particularly in the case where they are 'humiliated' in some way, invariably has the immediate effect of repressing logical and rational thought and replacing it with thinking of a distinctly emotional flavor. Hence the current "hostage crisis" and a proliferation of headlines such as this form the Scotsman this week:

But how exactly did this "crisis" come about? As I have already mentioned, it is rather suspicious that it occurred one day before the UN Security Council was due to vote on further sanctions on Iran, and what are the odds that Seaman Specialist, Faye Turney would have given a personal and heartfelt interview only hours before her arrest?

We know that the basics of the story are that the Iranians claim that the British Marines strayed into Iranian waters and were, reasonably enough from the Iranian point of view, arrested. The British government, on the other hand, without directly stating it, has suggested that the Iranian military captured the British Marines in Iraqi waters where, we are told, they were engaged in their normal, almost 'humanitarian' daily routine of searching boats in the Persian Gulf in an attempt to stop "smugglers". The truth of what the British sailors were actually doing that day is however rather different.

The crew of HMS Cornwall (including the 15 arrested Marines), had been part of a massive military operation codenamed "Operation Troy", instigated three years ago after "suicide bombers" in three dhows attacked the Al Basra and Khawr Al Amaya oil terminals, killing three Americans. A three-kilometre exclusion zone was thrown up around each of the terminals - which pump out 90 per cent of Iraq's crude oil. From this, it becomes obvious that, like the rest of the British and American military in Iraq, the arrested Marines were in the role of corporate mercenaries, hired to ensure that Iraq's oil remains flowing in the hands of government-associated Western oil companies.

Context, as they say, is everything.

But what of British government claims that the Marines were 1.7 nautical miles within Iraqi waters? So far, the British Navy has produced a map with the locations of the Marines inflatable boat, HMS Cornwall, and the demarcations of Iraqi and Iranian waters.

The British Ministry of Defence has also produced a series of numbers, apparently GPS co-ordinates, which apparently place the Marines' boat in Iraqi waters at the time of their arrest. A British Navy Commodore however, was quoted by the UK Independent as saying that the Marines were just half a mile inside Iraqi waters.

For their part, the Iranians have presented two different sets of coordinates that placed the Marines in both Iraqi and Iranian waters and yesterday, an Iranian officer appeared on Iranian television to say that a captured British GPS device showed five violations of Iranian waters.

With both the British and Iranians making contradictory and confusing claims, we suspect that the exact details of where the Marines were are largely irrelevant. Indeed, such nitpicking would seem pointless in light of the fact that it appears that there is no definitive agreement on the precise boundaries of Iraqi and Iranian waters. The Shatt al-Arab waterway was divided in half by the Iranian and Iraqi governments in 1978, and up until recent years the median line was marked simply with buoys. The demarcation of the waterway has however suffered in recent years with the boundaries of the waterways described as "very complicated".

According to British Admiral Alan West a commission would usually meet every two or three years to agree exactly where the median line should be:

"The commission is meant to sit regularly to discuss and arbitrate exactly where the median line down the Shatt al-Arab goes because it does move with the seasons and each year it moves in shifts because it's quite a flow of water."

"The commission would consist of representatives, principally of Iran and Iraq, sitting around a table and deciding where the line would be. There are other people involved to mediate."

The commission had not met for a few years because of the war, he added.

Richard Schofield, an expert in international boundaries at King's College London, questioned whether the dispute would be eased if the Royal Navy released co-ordinates of where the sailors were seized:

"Releasing the co-ordinates wouldn't necessarily help us as there is no formally agreed boundary"

"It isn't clear the incident happened off the water of Shatt al-Arab. We are talking about territorial waters beyond."

"Iran and Iraq have never agreed a boundary of their territorial waters. There is no legal definition of the boundary beyond the Shatt al-Arab."

Of course, if there is "no legal definition of the boundary between Iraq and Iran's territorial waters", then we have to wonder where the British DOD got the map that appears to show those exact demarcations? Was it just a matter of DOD officials drawing a line on a map to suit British claims? I am also still waiting for someone to explain to me how, if the Marines were in Iraqi waters when arrested by the Iranians, why were the Iranians allowed to pass unchallenged into Iraqi waters?

Whatever the case, the main point here is that the "Iran crisis" has begun. Blair and his cabinet cronies now have a drum to beat, and it seems they mean to beat it as loudly as possible. Already Blair has waxed indignant about the "parading" of the British Marines on Iranian television, heck, he even became somewhat "disgusted" over it:

"I just think it's completely wrong, a disgrace actually, when people are used in that way, that's contrary to all international laws and conventions, and is not going to make any difference to us.

[...] "I really don't know why the Iranian regime does this [show captives on TV]," because it just arouses disgust, he told reporters Friday.

"We need all 15 released because they were doing their job under a United Nations mandate. There is no justification whatsoever for taking them in that way."

In an example of the ignorance, arrogance and paramoralistic thinking that is rife among British establishment figures, Labour party member and MP for Shrewsbury Daniel Kawczynski opined thusly on the "crisis":

"Obviously I have been raising this issue in the Commons. I feel extremely angry the Iranians have paraded them on television. It totally contravenes international protocol. We would not do that in a million years in our country."

Of course, I forget, this is Britain, Western 'Democracy', a paragon of virtue. I admit it, Blair and the British MP are correct, British or American soldiers and politicians would never sanction the "parading" of captured foreign nationals on television...such acts are disgusting. Piling prisoners naked into pyramids with bags over their heads on the other hand, is totally kosher, especially when it's in the prisoners own country.

Compare and contrast:

'Parading' and feeding = "disgusting"

Naked prisoner pyramid with head bags = "liberation"

Of course Blair, being a man without a conscience, has no problem with the inherent hypocrisy in such statements. For Blair, the arrest and good treatment of 15 British personnel by Iran is a "disgrace", while the abduction, torture and long-term imprisonment of innocent people by the CIA and British intelligence is good old British fair play. It is for this reason that Blair, confronted with the opportunity to resolve the issue, chose to respond to the Iranian offer to release Leading Seaman Faye Turney, by marching off to the UN in an attempt to steamroll a resolution "deploring" the Iranian action. As it turned out, Russia, China, Indonesia and Qatar objected to the use of the word, preferring "grave concern" and rejecting the inclusion of a statement that the Royal Navy team was "illegally arrested outside Iranian waters". Apparently the days when all bowed to British "pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war" are long gone.

As for the Bush government and media; given that the US military in Iraq is still holding the five Iranian diplomats abducted in Iraq last month with no consular access, no charges brought against them and no information about where they are being kept and under what conditions, you might think that they would want to keep a low profile on this one, and in any normal world you would be right, but not in this one, not in the good old US of A! The US media is instead joyously profiting from the "hostage crisis" to ramp up the Iran war rhetoric for the US population, and the US government has enthusiastically backed the British government position, even as Bush and Co continue to imprison hundreds of innocent people in Guantanamo bay and issuing condemnations to other countries for arresting political opponents. So just in case you are still wondering, the answer is 'yes' this is an astonishing double standard and one that has been the hallmark of the Fascist Blair-Bush-Israel triumvirate.

But wait! I forget...those innocent inmates in Guantanamo, the unfortunates who are "rendered" by the CIA, the 10,000 Palestinian men, women and children in Israeli jails and the Iranian diplomats all have two things in common: they are Muslims and therefore are "terrorists", while the British troops who share the blame for 1 million dead Iraqis are "liberators". We must not forget that important point.

From the Iranian point of view, there are two fronts on which the "hostage crisis" must be managed.

On one level, there is international opinion and the need to project a moderate stance in an effort to offset three years of Western media slander that has sought to pitch Ahmadinejad as a new "Hitler".

On another level there is Iranian public opinion and public opinion in the Arab world.

At present, Iran is militarily encircled by US and British forces, with no justification. American troops are based in almost every country bordering Iran - Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan and Azerbaijan (not to mention 121 other countries around the world). Added to that is the fact that, last month, most of the developed world voted at the UN to sanction Iran for its non-existent (in terms of being a threat) nuclear programme. Meanwhile, the Israeli Mossad has been murdering Iranian scientists, rescuing their long-term spies from the Iranian government, and calling for Ahmadinejad to be assassinated (simply because he took a leaf out of Bush's book and called for regime change in Israel). And all of it against a nation that has never attacked or threatened another country for several hundred years.

Understandably, all of this makes for a certain amount siege mentality among the Iranian ruling class, not to mention frustration and annoyance among the Iranian people.

The fact is, the Iranian people have serious and justified historical grievances against the Americans, British and Israelis to which Ahmadinejad must cater. For example, 6 months after the 2003 illegal US invasion of Iraq, the Iranian people were mourning a 50 year-old US and British intervention in their country, one that had terrible and lasting consequences:

Iranians mourned this week the consequences of Anglo-American regime change as they marked the 50th anniversary of a CIA coup that toppled their democratically elected prime minister.

Organized by the CIA and the British SIS [MI6] to secure Iran's oil resources [sound familiar?] from a possible Soviet takeover and secure Iran's oil resources, the coup marked America's first intervention in the Middle East. Its aftershocks are still being felt.

The end of Iran's first democratic government ushered in more than two decades of dictatorship by Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, who relied on US aid and arms. The anti-American backlash in 1979 shook the whole region and helped spread Islamic militancy.

"If there had not been a military coup, there would not have been 25 years of the Shah's brutal regime, there would not have been a revolution in 1979 and a government of clerics," says Mr. Yazdi, who served briefly as foreign minister in the first cabinet after the fall of the Shah. "What we have now is a result of the coup."

Kind of puts a different spin on Israeli, American and British denunciations of Iranian "extremists" and the need to prevent them from acquiring a single nuke, does it not?

The current "hostage crisis" therefore must be handled carefully by Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah Khamenei. With the aforementioned history and most Iranians understandably suspicious of any British government, its intelligence agencies and military, there is little scope for the Iranian government to simply release the British troops and kowtow to pompous British demands, particularly in the case that the British Marines did indeed trespass into Iranian waters. The Iranian government has asked for a simple apology from the British to appease public opinion (and possibly the Iranian military command which has a significant say in Iranian domestic and foreign affairs). At the same time however, the British government would rather "refuse to negotiate" in an effort to incite British public opinion in preparation for a Zionist-inspired attack on Iran.

Sounds a little like 'end game' to me.

In all of this, there is one group that has been conspicuous by its silence - Israel. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the Zionists, even more so that the Bush government, have a vested interest in the escalation of this particular "crisis". More than that, Israel has something of a track record in setting one group against another and profiting from the resulting conflict. Consider the following extract from ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky's book The Other Side of Deception, and see if you notice anything that stands out in relation to the events surrounding the capture of the 15 Marines last week:

Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February this year. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the Navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the Navy,

A Trojan was a a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit of the Mossad and intended ot be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.

The listeners would have no doubt that they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulations the Americans and others would use t verify the source. [...]

[Once the Trojan was in place and transmitting], by the end of March the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world. As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that they Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.

Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation [Libyan leader] Qadhfai's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.

Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences:

First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizb'allah as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West.

Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to "do what was right".

I have to admit that I did wonder how it was possible that the British, with all of their modern satellite positioning equipment and 4 years experience patrolling the Shatt al_Arab waterway, could have made the mistake of trespassing into Iranian waters, unless their GPS tranmissions somehow gave them wrong information.

Likewise, I was perplexed as to why the Iranians should have made the serious move of arresting 15 British Marines without having a very good reason to do so - for example, if they picked up a transmission that a British commando team were planning to infiltrate Iranian territory.

I can't say if this manufactured crisis is but the opening gambit or as good as it's gonna get in terms of the Israeli/American/British case for war on the Iranian people, what is clear however is that an attack on Iran will happen, within the next few months, and that it will have serious repercussions for every man woman and child on the planet.

You have been warned. It's time, yet again, to wake up.

Stay tuned for updates.


1. In The War Against the Terror Masters, Neocon Michael Ledeen stated:

First and foremost, we must bring down the terror regimes, beginning with the Big Three: Iran, Iraq, and Syria. And then we have to come to grips with Saudi Arabia. ... Once the tyrants in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia have been brought down, we will remain engaged. ...We have to ensure the fulfillment of the democratic revolution. ... Stability is an unworthy American mission, and a misleading concept to boot. We do not want stability in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and even Saudi Arabia; we want things to change. The real issue is not whether, but how to destabilize.

Rejecting stability as "an unworthy American mission," Ledeen goes on to define America's authentic "historic mission":

Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. ... [W]e must destroy them to advance our historic mission.

2. Note that I say that the sanctions will be imposed on the Iranian people, not the Iranian government directly. In case you are unaware of the fact, let me make it clear: the source of power of every modern government is the people. The best way to attack a government therefore is to attack the people from which it derives its power.
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Monday, March 19, 2007

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!

Not too long following the revelation that CNN and BBC broadcast videos indicated that both news sources had reported the collapse of WTC7 at least 20 minutes BEFORE it was “pulled,” (which suggests government and media complicity in the 911 attacks), Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks, has now appeared before a closed hearing at Guantanamo Bay where he is said to have confessed leading involvement in the September 11 attacks.

Not only! In addition, Sheikh Mohammed ALSO confessed to playing a leading role in THIRTY - yes, count them: 30 - additional terrorist plots! This a stunning range of terrorist activities he claims to have had a hand in including both the 1993 and 2001 assaults on the World Trade Center, as well as the beheading of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, attacks on Heathrow airport, Big Ben and Canary Wharf in UK, and still more!

Time Magazine remarks - with tongue in cheek, I suspect - that KSM “came across as an earnest, somewhat chatty mass murderer taking credit for plans to detonate the Panama Canal as well as New York City landmarks like the stock exchange. He also mentions assassination plots directed at former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton as well as Pope John Paul II. Several of the conspiracies he cited, notably the one involving President Carter, have not previously been disclosed.”

Yes indeedy! KSM is your veritable one-stop shopping Terrorist Super Store! The Wally-World of Wickedness!
Well, I was wondering what all the hullabaloo about the “scripted” 911 news reporting was leading up to. That, put together with George Monbiot’s recent spittle-spewing rant about crazed 911 Conspiracy Idiots, suggested to us here at SOTT that something was definitely up - and if it wasn’t already in the pipeline, they would throw something together pretty quick!

After all, with the growing clamor for a new, independent investigation of 911, with the numbers of Americans suspecting their government of complicity in the 911 attacks, with the growing evidence that every word that comes out of the mouths of the Ziocons is monstrously twisted at best, an out and out lie at worst, what’s a bunch of Pathocrats to do?

Why, produce distractions and more distractions, of course!

It is so “WMDs”, you know! It is amazing that the Neocons actually think they can pull this off.
But then, they’ve pulled everything else off so far, haven’t they?

Even the so-called political “perfect storm” that hit Bush and gang a week ago has now passed into history. Just think about it, in one week, not only was there escalating violence in Iraq at a time when it was quite clear that the majority of the American people want the troops out of Iraq NOW, (and Bush is just sending in more); there was also the Walter Reed scandal where wounded soldiers told Congress about neglect, bad housing and bureaucratic nightmares; and finally, Lewis “Scooter” Libby’s conviction of perjury and obstruction of justice in the case of the leak of the identity of a CIA operative Valerie Plame.

That combination would have taken down any president in prior American History. Geeze, remember Clinton and Monica? Wouldn’t we all like to have a president who only philanders!

But nope, not a whimper from the American public.

Well, that’s not exactly true. As it happens, the early reports of the exit polls after the last election clearly showed that one of the main concerns of the American people was corruption in government. It seems that the American people who voted saw corruption and the Iraq war as part of the same whole problem, and they were sick of it and turned out in record numbers to vote against it. Of course, despite the fact that the majority of Americans voted for anybody BUT Republicans, a surprising number of Republicans held their seats or were voted in. Can we say “fraudulent election”?

Be that as it may, immediately following the election, after a token word or two about “we’re gonna kick butt in Congress,” the new Democratic majority managed to do … well… exactly nothing. It’s corruption business as usual only wearing a different name tag.

I’ve said repeatedly that the main reason Bush and the gang began their illegal wiretapping operation was not to spy on ordinary Americans “looking for terr’rists”, but rather to gain the upper hand over all the branches of government. You could say that blackmail is a kind of “torture” and based on their actions, it’s obvious that the entire government in the U.S., with vanishingly rare exceptions, is under the iron-fisted control of some group that does not have America’s best interests at heart.

Which brings us back to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his amazing Terrorist Super-hero activities. Geeze, you’d think he could leap tall buildings with a single bound, stop speeding bullets and locomotives, and certainly get the best looking girl at the end.

Obviously, that’s not the case. The guy who could pull off the most carefully planned, expensive and comprehensive terrorist operation in all of Terrorism’s history and even wanted to take out Jimmy Carter, got nabbed so early in the game that we wonder now why it was all blamed on Osama bin Underthebed!
But I digress. I want to draw your attention to a news item I found in the SOTT archive by searching on the term “Guantanamo” that may have some bearing on the events of the present moment, providing a peek behind the scenes at a possible connection between a couple of seemingly disparate events: the scandal surrounding the firing of U.S. Prosecutors and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s confession. Here’s the first item:

U.S. Prosecutors Claim Guantanamo Trials Rigged
01 Aug 2005
As the Pentagon was making its final preparations to begin war crimes trials against four detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, two senior prosecutors complained in confidential messages last year that the trial system had been secretly arranged to improve the chance of conviction and to deprive defendants of material that could prove their innocence.

The electronic messages, obtained by The New York Times, reveal a bitter dispute within the military legal community over the fairness of the system at a time when the Bush administration and the Pentagon were eager to have the military commissions, the first for the United States since the aftermath of World War II, be seen as just at home and abroad.

During the same time period, military defense lawyers were publicly criticizing the system, but senior officials dismissed their complaints and said they were contrived as part of the efforts to help their clients.
The defense lawyers’ complaints and those of outside groups like the American Bar Association were, it is now clear, simultaneously being echoed in confidential messages by the two high-ranking prosecutors whose cases would, if anything, benefit from any slanting of the process. […]

Among the striking statements in the prosecutors’ messages was an assertion by one that the chief prosecutor had told his subordinates that the members of the military commission that would try the first four defendants would be ‘’handpicked'’ to ensure that all would be convicted.

The same officer, Capt. John Carr of the Air Force, also said in his message that he had been told that any exculpatory evidence — information that could help the detainees mount a defense in their cases — would probably exist only in the 10 percent of documents being withheld by the Central Intelligence Agency for security reasons.

Captain Carr’s e-mail message also said that some evidence that at least one of the four defendants had been brutalized had been lost and that other evidence on the same issue had been withheld. The March 15, 2004, message was addressed to Col. Frederick L. Borch, the chief prosecutor who was the object of much of Captain Carr’s criticism.

The second officer, Maj. Robert Preston, also of the Air Force, said in a March 11, 2004, message to another senior officer in the prosecutor’s office that he could not in good conscience write a legal motion saying the proceedings would be ‘’full and fair'’ when he knew they would not.

At this point in the article there is some damage control nonsense about how the military investigated these charges and it was all a “misunderstanding” and “forget about it, go back to sleep.” But then, the article addresses some of the issues about the new laws that the Bush Reich have passed regarding such trials which amount to evidence manipulation from the get-go.

The Bush administration and the Pentagon have faced criticism about the legitimacy of the military commission procedures almost since the regulations describing them were announced in 2002.
The rules, which in essence constitute a new body of law distinct from military and civilian law, allow, for example, witnesses to testify anonymously for the prosecution. Also, any information may be admitted into evidence if the presiding officer judges it to be ‘’probative to a reasonable person,'’ a new standard far more favorable to the prosecution than anything in civilian law or military law. It is unclear whether information that may have been obtained under coercion or torture can be admissible.
Now, here is where it gets squirrely:

The trials of the first four defendants began last August in a secure courtroom in a converted dental clinic at the naval base at Guantanamo. Before they could start in earnest, the trials were abruptly halted in November when a federal judge ruled they violated both military law and the United States’ obligations to comply with the Geneva Conventions.

But a three-judge appeals court panel that included Judge John G. Roberts, President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, unanimously reversed that ruling on July 15.

Defense Department officials have said they plan to resume the trials in the next several weeks. They said they also planned soon to charge an additional eight detainees with war crimes.

What is clear is that control of the judiciary is very important to the Bush criminals and, at that point, they did not have complete control, even with illegal wiretapping. And, darn those pesky principled prosecutors!

In his March 2004 message, Captain Carr told Colonel Borch that ‘’you have repeatedly said to the office that the military panel will be handpicked and will not acquit these detainees and we only needed to worry about building a record for the review panel and academicians who would pore over the record in years to come.”
Captain Carr said in the message that the problems could not be dismissed as personality differences, as some had tried to depict them, but ‘’may constitute dereliction of duty, false official statements or other criminal conduct.'’

He added that ‘’the evidence does not indicate that our military and civilian leaders have been accurately informed of the state of our preparation, the true culpability of the accused or the sustainability of our efforts.'’ The office, he said, was poised to ‘’prosecute fairly low-level accused in a process that appears to be rigged.'’

He said that Colonel Borch also said that he was close to Maj. Gen. John D. Altenburg Jr., the retired officer who is in overall charge of the war crimes commissions, and that this would favor the prosecution.
General Altenburg selected the commission members, including the presiding officer, Col. Peter S. Brownback III, a longtime close friend of his. Defense lawyers objected to the presence of Colonel Brownback and some other officers, saying they had serious conflicts of interest. General Altenburg removed some of the other officers but allowed Colonel Brownback to remain.

In his electronic message, Captain Carr said the prosecution team had falsely stated to superiors that it had no evidence of torture of Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman al-Bahlul of Yemen. In addition, Captain Carr said the prosecution team had lost an F.B.I. document detailing an interview in which the detainee claimed he had been tortured and abused.

Major Preston, in his e-mail message of March 11, 2004, said that pressing ahead with the trials would be ‘’a severe threat to the reputation of the military justice system and even a fraud on the American people.'’
Let me run that by you one time..

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