Monday, April 23, 2007

Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction

Laura Knight Jadczyk
Postcards from the Edge of Reality...

The other day I made a comment on the SOTT blog to the effect that things were getting pretty warm for the administration over the past few weeks, what with the Prosecutor's purge and Bush's "Fascist Law Czar" - Gonzales - getting ready to be called on the carpet in a serious way and that now, with the Va. Tech. Massacre as the subject of the latest media feeding frenzy, Gonzales is basically off the hook.

Then, of course, there is the issue of the growing movement for impeachment that is supposed to reach a fever pitch at the California Democratic Convention in San Diego on April 28. That has taken a back seat as well.

Of course, the first thing that I (and others) thought of when I heard of the VA. Tech shootings was "Greenbaum." For those of you not familiar with this Project Paperclip-generated mind control program (or even Project Paperclip), you might want to get up to speed pretty quick. After all, "they" are trying to convince you that a "Cho" could be anyone, anywhere. That's not true, but the truth is pretty scary: there are a lot of mind-controlled people walking the streets, working in average jobs, living next door to anybody, and you really do need to have the knowledge of what you are dealing with in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. And believe, me, it ain't what the MSM is telling you.

Take Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, for example. According to his brother, David Kaczynski, Ted was unwittingly part of the MK-ULTRA-CIA mind control program for three years at Harvard, and then at the University of Michigan and probably U.C. Stanford. In recalling some of the details of his brother's involvement in the covert behavior modification program, David Kaczynski says of his older brother, "In a sense, he wasn't paranoid; he was in a sense conspired against."

This whole incident, of course, takes us back to Oklahoma City...

When I saw the face of the alleged Oklahoma Bomber, Timothy McVeigh, I knew I had seen that expression before. I couldn't quite place the memory until a few days later when I read in a news article that Mr. McVeigh had told someone that the government had implanted a computer chip in his hip to track him! The bells rang and the lightbulb lit! I knew where I had seen that look before.

He was young, about 26 or 27, blond, blue-eyed, clean- cut (read more on site).
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