Sunday, April 24, 2005

An Email from COINTELPRO and Shocking 9/11 Revelations

Surfing for dirt, one finds this interesting blog entry:
An Email from COINTELPRO and Shocking 9/11 Revelations
It is bound to happen eventually.

Search for the truth long enough, post a little about it, and you will be contacted. Apparently no blog is small enough to avoid attention.

I started a blog, 9.11 Soundbytes, to post quotes from the memory hole on the terrorist attack as I found them. I received an interesting email from Mark Robinowitz of regarding the blog, and I will share a small fraction of it with you.

My guess is that he regularly sends something similar to all sites that link to The Pentagon Strike Video. The email makes him appear more like a paid COINTELPRO agent, or so I think.
Which links to this blog entry:
David Beckham and Flight 77 in Paris
It seems that it is common knowledge in these circles that Russian satellites photographed a ship-launched craft (seems to have been a drone type plane rather than a missle) that ended up impacting the Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001, and that, for various reasons this information has been withheld from the public.

I was naturally startled to hear this even though I have long held the opinion that it was NOT a commercial jetliner that hit the Pentagon. I think the thing that startled me was the fact that, if Russia (and perhaps other countries with satellites?) had proof that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, why weren't they revealing this?

It was explained to me that during part of the time George Bush was "incommunicado" on September 11, 2001, he was on the phone to Putin "negotiating." That was a polite way of saying "blackmailing." Apparently, Bush, by way of MOSSAD and/or the CIA had enough goods on Vlad to keep him silent.

Now THAT explains why Putin has not responded publicly to the rather obnoxious criticisms of Russia made by Bush and Condi Rice.
Some really major league dirt there, start digging!.
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